martes, 9 de diciembre de 2014

Temario de Examenes II Parcial

Third Grade II Partial Exams
1.      Science: Chapter 5, Food Chains.
                 Study chapter vocabulary.

2.      Reading:
                          Stories: Danger Icebergs.
                                         Night of Puffing’s.
3.      Grammar: Using I and Me, Pages 172-175.
                              Homophones, pages 174-175.
                              Facts and Opinions pages 186-187
                              Using Commas pages 190- 191.
4.      Spelling: Lists Words # 10 through 15.
5.      Phonics: Consonants s and c.
                 Words with wr, kn,st,gn and mb.
6.      Math: Column Addition.
             Subtracting money.
             Subtracting 3, 4 and 5 digits.

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